Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id ultrices sem. Pellentesque gravida justo urna, ac blandit tellus feugiat sed. In aliquet, nunc id fermentum pellentesque, tortor metus egestas ante, finibus ullamcorper elit magna vitae odio. Praesent scelerisque sollicitudin efficitur. Duis bibendum accumsan tempor. Proin non semper nibh. Curabitur ac ligula imperdiet, auctor ex sit amet, viverra sem. Duis convallis est id magna fermentum pellentesque. Etiam nunc odio, aliquet at laoreet id, interdum nec purus.
The service summer uniform consisted of two-piece including a blouse and skirt made of green and white striped material, originally Plisse Crepe but later replaced by Seersucker. (A thin, puckered, all-cotton fabric, commonly striped and very common for summer clothing.)
The jacket had shoulders straps of same material, each fastened by a single button. Buttons for the jacket were white bone or composite.
Headwear for the summer service uniform was initially the Service “Bucket” cover, which was replaced in 1944 by the Summer Garrison Cap.
The handbag was the spruce green cover and shoulder strap.